18 Oct 04:52 GMT

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Collection owner:
moutarjim05 (9405 pts)

86 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
ج ت ع AMT Address Mapping Table moutarjim05 
ش ر خ م ISDN IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
دليل عامل حالي current working directory IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
ب ح ع ع RARP IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
ب إ إ م IGMP IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
ب ت د DDE IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
ب ت إ TCP A protocol developed for the internet to get data from one network device t
ب ت ع ARP IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
بريد كهروبي electronic mail (computer science) a system of world-wide electronic communication in which
ح ش PC IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
حاسوب خادم server computer IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
ط م آ SSL Secure Sockets Layer moutarjim05 
اسم مستخدم Username IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
امتيازات الوصول Access privileges منح امتيازات لمستوى محدد من الوصول moutarjim05 
الذكاء الاصطناعي artificial intelligence The branch of computer science that deal with writing computer programs tha
انترنت Internet A computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks t
خ إ رغ ADSL IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
خ إ م DNS IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
خاصّ private IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 
ذ ق ف ROM IT (Information Technology) moutarjim05 

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